
And Her Name Is Emma.... (chapter 5)

Without hesitation Emma lunged from her bed and into the lounge room. There was no denying it; Mary was gone along with Emma’s pictures.

Emma collapsed in a crying heap on the lounge room floor. Her eyes spoke the words here lips could not. They said a true love of mine was taken by a true hate. Ben could do nothing but stare out into the cold night that had consumed a woman he thought he loved.

Ben and no idea how to console Emma after such an eventful evening, so he sat on a chair and looked from Emma to the open door and back again. For how long nobody knows.

Emma thought that maybe just maybe her photos were in the house somewhere so she searched every room, cupboard, nook, and cranny but found nothing. Her eyes changed from remorseful to vengeful in a split second as she screamed in a sigh of agony.

Ben ran to the room Emma was in after hearing the commotion, he had to break through an enormous mess of all his belongings until he reached his crying daughter, to give her the hug she needed…

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