
The Bag...

“Aw, great,” Kevin Kravitz spoke. He was my best friend, and had admirable, if not godly, intelligence. “I got voted for the Bag.”

“The Bag?” Hey, I was new…

Kevin chuckled. “You’ll see eventually. Just keep in mind… it sucks.” Duly noted.

I ran to English, my next class, at full speed. Kevin walked down a different hallway, even though we shared the same class. It led to the outside…

“Kev, where ya going?” I ran excitedly after him. But he only walked, ignoring me. The remainder of the students filed into their classes, and the bell rang. Debating it over for a minute, I ran to him. He rounded a corner, I followed. And that’s when I learned what the Bag was.

It was, literally, a giant, purple, translucent drawstring bag. I couldn’t stop running fast enough, and I ran highspeed into it. “Ed?!” Kevin yelled at me once we were inside the bag. The bag shut closed, and that’s when the ritualistic symbols became apparent. Glowing red, a spike protruded from each one.


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