
Chloe and Kevin

“Do you think Chloe has ever made out with some one?”

“No, she is too much of a geek!”

“Actually, she has,” I felt all their eyes dart straight to me, “she told me, for some reason.”

“Who was it?”
It was me, how can I tell everyone? She and I made out, we even went out for a little while
“I can’t say, why don’t you ask her?” I said.

We all headed for Chloe, she was on everyone’s mind for those few minutes.

“Hey Chloe, Kevin here says that you have made out with some one, who was it?”

I prayed that she wouldn’t say it. Please, please, let Chloe not say me,PLEASE I could see that she saw my pleading in my eyes.

“Kevin, it was Kevin.” She said it without hesistating, matter-of-factly. I thought I could die.

Once again all eyes were on me…

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