
Origin of the cookie

“And let me guess.. ”, Jocinda stated, sarcasm dripping from every word, “the Florians see this huge planet of milk and, being made of (I would assume) flour, create a giant flying cookie to dunk in your planet so as to take as much milk back to their planet as possible.”

Flandip looked over at Jocinda, glee emiting from every pore of his body. “Yes!”, he stated happily. “I thought it would take you much longer to understand all of this.”.

Flandip turned to the fish. “So.. Why couldn’t we do this a few years ago?”, he asked.

“Excuse me.”, Tobin said, gently touching a hand Jocinda had laid on the table for support as she had felt slightly faint during her conversation with Flandip.

She looked down at the little creature. “Yes?”, she asked in a resigned voice.

“Could you repeat that last part?”, he asked, holding a little nub of pencil at the ready. “You were more concise than I could be and I would appreciate being able to use your words in our report.”

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