
Interesting Developments

Det. Walsh had been busy.

He was able to pull Jenny in to look at some pictures. She ID’d “Hulk” and had her charges dropped. “Hulk” was really named Julian Reeve. He played bodyguard sometimes for Mr. Trazelli.

Since a Certain FBI Agent owed Walsh a favor, he was able to find out that Julian was not near Pine Ridge at the time of Petunia’s murder, but he had in fact, ‘mysteriously disappeared’ about the same time as a Miss Melanie Light was found OD’d in her apartment.

He was currently supposed to be out of the country, sipping martinis on a white sand beach, according to a Certain Agent. Inaccessible. Walsh put out a warrant for his arrest.

And soon, quite by accident, a car belonging to Julian Reeve ran a red light and he was brought in. Walsh drove frantically, running more than just red lights, in his haste to question Julian. He was only allowed to ask questions about Petunia, but he was hoping to get more out of him.

“Do you know this woman?”

Julian glanced at the picture. “I want my lawyer.”

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