
Mirror: Reflection of what? [Elsha's Mirror challenge]

Mirrors. Do they reflect what we want to see? Do they reflect only what’s there? Do we want to see what’s there?

I challenge you to write about a mirror. It could be a reflection of yourself, or your alter-ego looking back. A reflection into your dreams, or even a horror story about what you wouldn’t want to see.

The mirror can be the central focus, or just a small part. It can be a metaphor, or the main character.

Enter this challenge with all your ideas. Each little story will be a reflection of you, the ficleteers, each story unique. Who knows? If you inspire others to prequel or sequel your work, this may be a reflection of what ficlets is all about! ;)

Perhaps you pair up and mirror each other’s work :)

Have fun!
And please comment on others’ work if you read it!

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