

Sora stumbled backwards, surprised and shocked; the thing had a soft texture, whatever it was.

The door to the room slammed shut angrily, but Sora didn’t hear any footsteps walk away.
Vampires… she thought. And then she realized she was holding a blanket in her arms.
“B-blanket?” she stuttered, particularly to no one. She remembered the comment the Leader Vampire had made before he left the room.

She wrapped herself in the blanket gratefully, and sat down in a small corner.

It was deathly quiet. Except for the occasional reverberating drip! of the liquid from the walls, everything was silent.

Sora tried to fold in on herself so the space could seem bigger.

There, in the cold, dank stone room, Sora felt her fears pressing in on her, each more real and terrifying than the next.

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