
A Man in a Cave Says that it Wasn't the First Time.

Charlie saw that the light in the distance was coming from a fire, and that the fire would have to have come from a human being. Relieved that perhaps he would find a way out of here, but embarrassed at the fact that he wasn’t wearing any pants, he continued towards the light. He was still in possession of his underwear, really.
As he continued, it was easy to see a figure of a man sitting by the fire. He appeared to be eating something, shoveling it into his mouth.
Charlie walked towards the man, and for lack of anything else to say, “Hello.”
The man looked startled, and fell backwards a little. “Who are you?” he asked.
“Charlie,” he said, “I was chased in here, and you wouldn’t believe why.”
“Perhaps I would, perhaps I would,” the man replied. Charlie could see that he was aging, perhaps in his sixties.
“I was chased by an ogre?” His voice rose up as if he were asking a question.
“Aha, I see,” the man nodded. “So they have gotten out again.”

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