
Bye, Bye Love

I never imagined that slamming a door in someone’s face could feel so triumphant. I think I actually hit her with it, but it’s possible she was only shrieking out of rage.

Jodi showed an amazing inability to just give up already.

I was assessing my injuries when she started banging on the window. “Jordan Brewster!” she screamed. “You heartbreaker! Get out here this second and APOLOGIZE to me! Jordan!!

I turned away and settled into my big beanbag chair for some quality time with Learning to Love Yourself. Not such a bad book, really.

Now she was making threats. Said she’d get her lawyer daddy to sue me for the emotional distress I’d caused her, or something. I closed the blinds.

“Drug inspection,” called Pizza Face, letting himself in. “You’re not sniffing glue in here, are you?”

“Nope, just reading.” I showed him the cover.

“Ah, good choice, Brewster. Glad you came out on top in the end.”

“Yeah, all’s well that ends well.”

There was an awkward pause.

“So,” said Lurch, “can I buy you a coffee?”

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