
Just A Little Guilt Trip

Dad seemed to be struggling with some kind of inner conflict. Him: So you two weren’t…?
Me: Ew Dad, no.
Dad frowned. Him: Then why was he still here at 6 in the morning?
I sighed. Me: Honestly? He wanted to wait up for you with me. He wanted to make sure you got home ok.
Dad stiffened. Him: You didn’t need to wait up for me, Cynthia.
I sighed. Me: Yes, I did Dad. What if you came home as bad as before? I need to be awake for that.
Dad looked frustrated. Him: But I told you I was just going out with my contractor to meet some museum people! We weren’t going out for drinks!
Me(sighing): You’ve told me that before.
Dad frowned, surprised. Him: Oh.
I nodded, turning away from him. I was definitely off the hook now. It was cruel of me to play the guilt card, but I was not getting in trouble for something I didn’t do.
Dad looked guilty. Him: I’m sorry Cynthia, I shouldn’t ever lie to you.
I shrugged. Me: You don’t much. Not anymore.
I turned to walk upstairs to get my phone. I needed to call Drew.

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