
Two Different Souls #3

She was sitting on her bed listening to the radio. It was humid outside and too hot for her delicate skin to handle. Then, she heard it. It was loud and clear and coming from the radio.
“Be the 29th caller to win concert tickets and VIP passes to….” the person on the radio said. Could it be? Could it be her favorite band, the one she saw a few weeks ago? She listened closely…....yes! It was! She picked up her cell phone and called in. Not once, not twice, but many, many times. Then the line went dead. She was never going to win VIP passes to see her one and only crush. Then she heard a voice coming from the cell, she had done it!
A week later, she was sitting in a limo on her way to the concert. She had won and was on her way! When she got there, she was escorted to their dressing room. Then, the door swung open. It was him! Her crush! Her heart starting racing. She felt as if she was going to faint. And so did he. He knew she was just 11 but he looked into her beautiful eyes. Just like his eyes.

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