
Let Him Be Okay

Dallas didn’t say much, but I knew she was worried.

Dallas was the strong one, the twin who knew how to cheer me up and calm me down like no one else could. Dallas was opinionated but open-minded, reserved but outgoing. Everyone liked her. Respected her.

I could sense her worries, and that in turn worried me. What was going to happen to Dad? And what, what on earth, was that suspicion involved in his accident? My thoughts bumped along in time to the police car as we sped towards St. John's hospital.

Let him be okay.

I closed my eyes, letting the prayer seep through me. A tear leaked out.

Dallas touched my arm softly. “He’s going to be fine,” she whispered.

“I hope so.”

I swiped a hand across my face, brushing away the tears.

“Officer?” Dallas said abruptly.

“Yes, Miss Carter?”

“What’s the whole suspicion involved with my dad’s accident?”

“Well…” he paused. “We have reason to believe that he’s part of a gang of bank robbers.”

I stared, lost for words.

What?!” Dallas cried.

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