
The Fellowship ch.6

I reached out, trying to grasp air from above the water, but I felt myself growing weaker, and fading way, until I blacked out…

When I woke up, Brandi and Christian were standing over me, and my body felt numb and feeble. I tried to say something, but only slurred noises came out of my mouth. I heard Christian’s voice, seemingly miles away.
“He’s awake, good. I thought he might’ve left us there for a second.”
“Awake? Hardly, look at him. He can barely open his eyes. Lets move him farther up shore.”
Everything seemed so far away… did she say up shore…? I don’t remember, maybe I was imagining things…

I thought I heard a man’s voice, a deep voice that I didnt recognize from the plane. There was also another man’s voice, this one less deep. I pictured them as lifegaurds, coming to save us from the wreckage. Just before I drifted off again, I heard Christian’s voice.
“Who are you…?”

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