
Hell on Ipecache Pt. 5

But something beneath the smirk gave me a hint of her uncertainty, most of Jacey’s bravado was a cover. She was scared of failure.

A female ranger was as common as an iggleduck that laid golden eggs. Jacey was the only one I’d seen in thirty seven years of service, female ranger that is, definately not an iggleduck. If she failed, it would probably wipe out her career, and that of any other women who wanted to try for the job. She had a lot riding on her shoulders.

“So,” I said, trying to pamper my injured pride and praying this little scenario didn’t make it to the ranger’s recreation mall. “Just what do you need me for?”

“I’ve been watching you,” Jacey admitted. “You seem like the kind of guy that puts his integrity before misplaced…loyalty?”

I shifted uncomfortably. This didn’t sound like good news. “Well, and?”

“Jack,” she sounded worried. “Hinder has sold out to the Rumis.”

“Shit! A chief ranger would never…”

Her look told me she believed it was the truth.

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