
Title That Demands Your Attention

Introductory sentence with provocative postulation.

Beginning of first body paragraph. Sentence offering historical support for main idea in paragraph. Additional sentence relating main idea to reader’s situation. Motivation is the existential you. Sentence concluding idea of first paragraph, setting up transition into idea of next paragraph.

Beginning of second body paragraph, with sentence structure mimicking that of first paragraph introduction. Supporting information for second main idea, which also supports first main idea. Justification is often irrelevant and insulting. Sentence that completes thought of second paragraph and raises thread of tangent reasoning.

Is it violation if there is consent? Bridge paragraph that strays from main thought but segues into conclusion.

Apparent non-sequitur loosely related to theme of essay. Sentence espousing universal conclusion. Final thought to promote reflection in the reader and that the rose smells just as sweet to the person who can’t stand roses.

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