
Möbius Strip: The Man Behind the Curtain

Dreanna had always dreamed of traveling among the stars, of visiting alien races. However, her people were just entering their space age. While they were able to send out machine probes to explore the other worlds of their solar system and had even explored their planet’s moons in person, they lacked the technology required to travel the vast interstellar distances. While she was hopeful this would change in her lifetime, she was also a realist.

Then one day He appeared. And what irony that God, or at least a “God”, should pick her. Dreanna believed in science and truly had no use for religion.

Then the offer He made her. Travel the universe with one of its authors as a tour guide, how could she refuse?

Now she found herself, four weeks later, on yet another seemingly abandoned world, tagging along with a being she could barely comprehend, more or less understand. Still the smallest part of her wished she was back home.

Besides, He was hiding something and she knew it. Why was He really here?

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