
The Attack after Shardik

“Eddie approached slowly. He had shifted Susannah over to one hip, carrying heras a mother might carry a baby. ‘What was it, Roland? Do you know?’

‘He called it a Guardian, I think,’ Susannah said.

‘Yes.’ Roland’s voice was slow with amazement. ‘I thought they were all gone,

must all be gone … if they ever existed outside of the old wives’ tales in the

first place.’ ‘Whatever it was, it was one crazy mother,” Eddie said.”“

Stephen King, The Wastelands

It was then the lobstrosity attacked, leaping out of the bushes towards Eddie. In a reflexive action, Eddie threw up his left hand, only to have it bitten off by the lobstrosity. “Oh My God! It got my hand!” Eddie screamed, as Roland grabbed a revolver and shot the lobstosity, killing it instantly. “We must be going,” Roland said. “There will be more of them.”

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