
Me and JB 46

When Kevin and I got back to the house, Nick and Joey were already inside.
“What happened?” I asked as Nick wrapped a towel around me.
“Your mom came home for lunch and saw us out here,” he said. I was shivering. It must of been thirty degrees outside and the rain ice cold.
“I hope you don’t catch a cold,” said Nick. It was still drizzling outside but the sun was out.
“Well, I have to go,” said Kevin. He got his stuff and left.
“See you later,” he called as he went out the door. A few minutes later Joey got bored. “Let’s play tag!” he said. He ran over to the front door. “Last one outside is a rotten egg!” he called. He swung open the front door.
“Guys, there’s someone here!” called Joey. Nick and I walked into the parlor.
“Oh Nick!” called the someone. Oh my gosh, it was Miley. Hadn’t she learned her lesson? She was dripping wet and looked as if she were crying. Unbelievable.
“Oh Nick! Look what they did to me” she cried. Her clothes looked all torn up and her make-up was running.
“There she is!”

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