
Beauty and the beast

Baver looked slightly frightened. ‘It’s in here.’ he said as he disappeared into the messy bedroom.
‘Here’s your filthy box.’ He grunted as he returned with a heavy metal box. As his visitor reached towards it, Baver pulled a gun out from behind him, ‘I can’t let you do this.’ he repeated.
‘You gonna shoot me? And go back to prison?.’ The visitor chuckled, ‘When will you learn Baver? It’s,’
He took a step towards him. ‘My’ Another step. ‘Time’
He was in Bavers face now. ‘To win.’
He turned to look at the box. ‘You’re not who I thought you were.’ The visitor turned pop! pop! Baver dropped to the linolium with two holes in his chest.
Returning the silenced pistol under his trench coat the visitor slowly opened his Pandora’s Box.
‘So beautiful. What a shame you won’t be seeing me win this round, B. Wish me luck.’ he whispered as he closed the box & left.
Baver struggled towards the wall. There was blood everywhere. He was fading..the ticking of the wallclock was the last sound he heard…6am

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