
Warlocks Suck at Politics

I rolled my eyes, “I’m not worried about Dragons.”
“Oh really?” he started furiously, “Haven’t you heard the stories about—”
“Brother,” I cut him off, “Warlocks aren’t exactly well-liked among Dragons. Warlocks don’t treat them as equals, but rather see them as animals. That’s highly offensive to Dragons. So no wonder a bunch of dead Warlocks show up when they try to ‘herd’ them.”
“People who are easily offended are dangerous,” he muttered defeatedly.
I smiled slightly, “So you wouldn’t be offended if I called you an animal? That you weren’t inteligent?”
He scowled and looked away. I sighed, “I’m sorry brother, but I have to go. I have some… business to see to.”
He looked up critically, “Business?”
I sighed again, “Of a personal nature.”
He let out a low snarl, “Send my regards to the boyfriend. And tell him I’ll kill him if he bites you.”
I left, wondering darkly what he would do if he knew Davin had already bitten me, that he’d been the one to convert me into part-Vampire.

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