
The Response

Satellites immediately detected the detonation and set alerts off on consoles across the EU, in China, and in Russia. Military commanders were wondering who pushed the button.

It took NATO seven minutes to get fighters in the air, it would take another twelve to get the bombers loaded and airborne. NORAD took country to DEFCON 1 as the Secretary of Agriculture was sworn in as President on board a Southwest Airlines flight.

China saw that move immediately and mobilized. Not to be outdone, Russia opened silos and launched fighters. Who would flinch next?

Russian President Vladimir Ulyanov picked up the direct line to China. Jingwei Ying-chin answered the phone, “Did you do it?” Ulyanov responded, “No and I presume you didn’t either. So, now a farm boy is in charge over there. ” Ying-chin replied, “Let’s hope he is strong enough to stand up to his military commanders.”

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