
Sechruj's Calling

“From what I can tell, Sechruj has at least three times the IQ of any human being that has ever lived. Together we have developed new hybrid animals. Biogenetics is a topic that has fascinated both of us. Here, let me show you.”

They walked to the back room of the house to a room with many cages. “This is our lab.”

“What the hell is that?” Big Ida asked. “Look like some kinda fat alley cat or something. Petey, stay back. That thing got teeth.”

“Indeed. Come here, Spot. Here boy.”

The animal jumped to the table and yawned, bearing long fangs and spots.

“A cross between a deer, human, and wolverine. Don’t worry – we’ve bred the predator instincts out. You see, this topic comes naturally to Sechruj.
After all, the Grays were experts. However, as a human – Gray hybrid religion is actually his favorite topic.”

“Why’s that?” Sam asked.

“Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism – you name it. He has become quite the expert on the world’s religions, and he says this is his calling, you know.”

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