
A Favour - Part 3 (A City of Heroes Story)

“Why not?” Tabitha asked, sounding irritated.

“Because I don’t totally trust them!” Erin said.

“And yet you still work for them,” Tabitha replied, an edge of accusation in her voice.

“Yes, I do,” Erin said sharply. “And I am very selective of the missions I’ll undertake and who in the organization I’ll take them from.”

“Why?” Tabitha forced herself to calm down.

“Look, T.” Erin put her hand on Tabitha’s shoulder. “I understand what they’re doing, trying to fix the time stream and prevent some future invasion. But I don’t like the fact that some of them won’t tell you the whole story about why a certain job must be done.

“I don’t like being lied to. Even if it’s a lie of omission.”

Tabitha sighed. “I understand. But you’re the only person I know who…”

“Hold on,” Erin interrupted. There was a faint click as she activated her radio. “Yes… Yes, I… Yes, she’s right… What? Hello?” Another click. Erin sighed.

“You get your wish, T. They’ve got a job for me. And they want you to come along.”

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