
If That's the Way It's Gonna Be: Part 18

I finally got the nerve to go back up to Greg and talk to him.
“Hi,” I said quietly. He smiled. We were in his backyard.
“Hey, what happened the other day?” I had to think fast.
“Sorry I was late….for….an important date?”
“Cool. So whats up?”
“Nothing much. I meet your girlfriend. Madison, right?”
“Madison? You mean my cousin?”
“Your talking about the girl who was over my house the other day?”
“She’s my cousin. I gave her a kiss goodbye. She was wearing my shirt because it was raining and she got soaked.” My new best friend was a boy grabbing, heart stabbing snob. This could not be happening.
“Yeah, she just came over for a while. That’s all,”. The Greg problem was solved. But now there was Eric who was mad at me. And Madison who was a liar. And Emma who was picking on me. And Maria who hated me. Now what?

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