
If shes everything you've ever wanted: Part 25

Half of me wanted to go crawl back into Matt’s arms. Hold him and never let him go. But, the other half of me wanted to go crawl into Sean’s arms, where I knew I would be safe and happy. He would never break my heart. But I was longing for Matt. His laugh. His smile. Matt himself was what I wanted.
I was speechless at the moment. Not knowing what to do.
Do I call Matt back? Confess that I’m in love with him, too? Confess that I’m falling for Sean? Confess that he had ruined my life? Confess that I was way in over my head? Go crawl back to Sean where I knew I would be safe? What now?
My phone started to vibrate again. The picture of Matt’s face flashed on the screen. Tears came to my eyes. My sadness was never going to end. Matt swept me off my feet. Took my heart and told me he would keep it safe. He ended up wrecking it. I couldn’t understand him. I couldn’t even understand myself anymore. I couldn’t even understand why I was even living. Matt wasn’t helping. Sean was close enough. But, what now?

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