
Peripheral Evil: Part 1, Sully

Sully was looking out the window as his father carried on about something that was happening at work, interjecting a, “Really,” and, “Wow,” at all the correct moments.

He really didn’t care what the conversation was about only that it was happening. His focus was on the outside world. Lately, Sully had been “seeing” more black shapes slipping by in his peripheral vision and it disturbed him.

He had blurted out, “Did you see that?” so many times that his family had started to tease him at random moments. It had gone so far as to having his annoying little sister wake him up screaming, “Sully, did you see that?” at four in the morning.

He had always seemed to “catch” glimpses of things out of the corners of his eye but never really paid that much attention to it, until they started to take on shapes. Within the past month, he was certain he had seen a man, a dog, and a plethora of other shapes he could almost name but not quite. They weren’t just wisps of shadows anymore.

“Sully, did you see that?”

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