
Oh So... +insert word here+ ((Perfect Moment Ruined Challenge))

I turned onto my street and glanced at the clock. It was 9:52, only two minutes until curfew. I pulled my Focus into my driveway after a date with my boyfriend.

Tonight was the most romantic time of my 17 years of life. Jeremy had provided a candle lit dinner, which he cooked himself! He had on slow songs during and after dinner. We danced together after the meal. Then, to top it all off, before I left he told me he loved me for the first time! I have never heard three words sound more sincer then those.

I was almost to my room when I heard my dad’s voice call out.

“Grace? Is that you?”

“Yeah Dad. I just got home.” I answered as I steped into my room.

“Will you come to the living room. Your mother and I have something to tell you.” Slowly I walked into my living room and found my parents waiting. My mom spoke first.

“Honey. You father got a promotion!” She said excitedly.

Just as a smile was forming on my face my dad interupted with but we’re moving. which drained m face of all color.

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