
A desire to resist oppression is implanted in the nature of man ~Tacitus (LoA 2075 Challenge)

Karen tilted her head back, finishing the last of the coffee in her cup. The chair squeaked as she stood up to get a refill, and slight giggle escaped her lips as she reveled in having posted her 10,000th comment. Her next ficlet came to her as she pursed her lips to cool the newly poured cup of joe.

With a resounding crack, the back door flew open as police officers stormed in. The scalding coffee poured down Karen’s chin as she was thrown to the floor. She found cooling relief as her face was crushed against the cold tiles. The hand cuffs tore at her wrists as the officer dragged her to her feet.

“Karen Davidson, of 1346 Bower Drive.” The detective sounded like he was reading from a rehearsed script. “As a member of the LoA, and a known ficleteer, you are hereby charged with composing and disseminating ideas in violation of Artical 7 of the Electronic Sedition Act of 2069.”

Tears ran down Karen’s face as the unofficial motto of the LoA rolled sternly off her lips.

“Read, Reply. Ficlet or die!”

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