
Package From Rose (sdrawkcab egnellahc)

She hung up with Rose, and turned to the cardboard carton on her desk. It popped open easily after she cut the tape, and she removed countless packing peanuts. She lifted out a small box, very simple pottery, probably Minoan. The mosaic on the front was definitely Minoan, probably from around 2500 BC. She reached back into the carton and pulled out a charm on a chain, an ornate amulet. It had the same symbol as the box.

She shrugged and tried to unlatch the little container, but it was stuck tight. She lifted the amulet to the latch, and the sound of a woman shrieking filled her head. She dropped the necklace onto the shabby office carpet. What the hell?

After more examination of the box, she realized that Rose’s theory wasn’t so outlandish… it was actually possible…

But that was ridiculous. A fairy tale come to life, was what it was. Violet needed to get home, get some rest. She brought the two pieces with her, she’d keep them in her room. She’d keep the amulet on the nighstand, just in case.

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