
Me and JB 145

“You never kissed Nick on new years,” said Joe as we sat in my backyard.
“Was I suppose to?” I asked.
“No, but, ever couple usually kisses when it’s twelve, right?” I nodded. Oops. I kind of forgot about that.
“So what are you waiting for?”
“Go kiss him!” Joe stood up and pulled me up with him.
“What? Now?!?”
“YES!” Joe gave me a shove and I ran over to my gate.
“Are you sure?” Joe nodded. I hopped the fence and saw Nick coming through his gate.
“Hey, I was just on my way over to your house,” he said.
“Go figure!” How was I supposed to do this? Just lean in and kiss him? Tell him to pucker up? This was a little weird.
“You know,” Nick said, “We never kissed on new years,”.
“Go figure?”
“You were coming over to kiss me weren’t you?” I nodded.
“Yeah, sorry I’m not doing such a great job,”.
“Can I make it a little bit easier for you?” I nodded as Nick leaned in. I had to thank Joe for sending me over.

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