
What I wouldn't give for a bigger piece of the pie...

She got off the couch and walked into the kitchen to refill her plate with the amazing strawberry pie his mom had made for them.

Then she noticed… there was only one piece left. One succulent, tantilizing piece of pie sitting there all alone.

She shifted her gaze from the pie to him, curled up on the couch, hugging a pillow to his chest. She smiled at his innocent, boyish qualities.

He noticed that she hadn’t come back with strawberries and whipped cream hanging out of her mouth like before, so he walked into the kitchen to investigate. He saw the one piece left and said, “Oh.” He scooted closer to her and looked from the pie to her then back again. “I’m still hungry,” he said simply and looked at her intently.

After a while, she gave in. Call me a sucker for blue eyes, she thought, and handed him the pie. He squealed like a little schoolgirl and ran off to the living room. Fine, but I get the whipped cream, she thought as she joined him.

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