
League of Awesomness 2075- The longest sequel

This was it! This was the break she had been waiting for, working for, her entire career as an aspiring writer.

Her hands trembled as she read the e-mail message.

She had been chosen by the League of Awesomeness, THE LEAGUE OF AWESOMENESS , to contriubute to the longest sequeled ficlet since the inception of ficlets. Not only had she been chosen, she would be writing it’s 1 millionth sequel.

Sweat beaded on her forehead. Writers had been made and broken, careers begun or devastated, by The Ficlet.

Only the best and brightest ficleteers were invited to sequel The ficlet. Rumour had it, The Ficlet was the very first one ever written, ever sequeled.

As a band of small floating cameras suspended around her, she began her sequel, with bated breath, the eyes of the world watching and waiting.

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