
The Tempting of Heath Ledger (Part 3)

She dipped into a curtsy, as she grasped his hand and shook it rather roughly.

“So. You want to be the joker. Oh my goodness,” she was smiling and the light danced on her curls every time she moved.

He was mesmerized as he watched her, “Um, yes,” he had look away to gain control over his thoughts. “The Joker. In Batman. The movie.”

“Oh,” she deflated a tiny bit, “That joker. I was ready to call in a favor from Lucy.” She sighed. “Either way,” she shrugged, “Ready to bargain?”

“Bargain,” Heath raised a brow, “You do that? I mean, I didn’t realize there would be negotiations. I thought I would tell you what I wanted. You’d tell me what you got in return. I accepted and that was that. The end. So to speak. Well, actually. The end,” he frowned and forced himself to look at her again. “Period.”

“Are you done?” She shook her head again, “Of course there are negotiations, but in the end I get what I want.” She grinned, “So,” she rubbed her hands together, “What’ll it be? Your soul or your first born?”

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