
Peripheral Evil: Part 36 (But Too Late For Stratnicoff)

The sound lingered in Stratnicoff’s ear longer than he had anticipated. Then seemed to throb. He reached to pull the earpiece which had become uncomfortably heavy. He could no longer hold his weapon, or stand, and he leaned against the stone.

His eyes rolled to see the family solidify in the circle, a sneer tugging at the corners of his lips. He worked his jaw to try to form words. The language was leaving him quickly.

His head lolled to the left and he blinked heavilly trying to clear his vision. Lifting his weighted hand to rub sweat away, he looked down, thick dark fluid and tissue covered his glove.

His brow furrowed. He thought he saw bone fragments in the mix, but that would mean that he…

He let out a long sigh. He let himself slide the length of the stone to the cold dew covered ground to his knees. Then he laughed.

The voices in his ear started to clear. The thudding in his ear slowed to nothing. He turned his eyes up slowly. He could see Moshie watching him. Smiling. Still aiming.

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