
A Prayer for the Sleepless

For all those who stare at clocks that move too slow when the lights are off, who brave the buzz of a brain screaming for sleep – a time to file away all the random data collected over the day. For all those whose vacant sunken eyes plead for rest, a chance to take a break from the voices, the to-do’s, the haunting crows of “there’s so much more to do.” No answer comes that shuts them up.

When the dawn is the last thing you want to see, because you know it will be at least another sunset until you rest your head on the pillow again, there is nothing but more stimulants and a ridiculous drive moves you forward.

Your joints scream at you. Your eyes refuse to focus: a foggy window onto the rest of the world.

This is my prayer for you, sleepless fellow wanderers:

May your head find a welcoming pillow to rest on. May your lids be heavy and breaths deep.
May you dream of soft lights and warm breezes, and nothing else.
May you wake when you are finished sleeping, not when you are done.
Pleasant dreams, friends.

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