
Accident 3

I asked the security guard at the front. He was temporary, so he knew nothing and let me go. I felt the urge to go up the stairs, and so I began to walk up. As I put my foot on the first step, I heard someone calling me. It was our neighbor’s daughter, Jen. She was one of those girls who had no friends yet managed to be happy almost all the time. We went up together, and started talking.

“Why are here? Didn’t you hear about what happened?” asked Jen.

“There was some sort of accident. So what?” I replied. I was not one for superstitious beliefs.

“Some people say it wasn’t an accident,” Jen said. “Four months, in February, these stairs were just built, and they didn’t finish the railings yet. Two of the construction workers, they were having a brawl. Somehow one of them fell off the building and died. The other worker didn’t come to work again. They couldn’t find the workers willing to work in a place considered haunted. These guys are all new, and from an nearby town. But nothing spooky has happened yet.”

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