
Malice Aforethought

She observed with feline eyes as the predators came after her, rusty swords drawn and horrendous armor clanking with every step.

On the other hand, compared to these mindless, slavering creatures, she was the picture of elegance, clad in a forest green cloak and a black hunter’s suit. A silver vine circlet kept her raven hair together as it cascaded down her back.

She watched, uninterested, as the abominations came to a halt before her, squealing and ululating in a guttural language.

Underneath, though, both were the same.

Sighing softly, she drew a flute from her belt; it shone slightly in the dappled forest sunshine, and seemed to smile as she put it to her lips.

With a simple blow, a jaunty tune piped out of the flute.

At first, the creatures laughed amongst each other – expressions of horror came onto their face when they realized the music was casting a spell over them.

They danced madly, their feet seemingly tireless.

Her jade eyes sparkled maliciously as she quickened the beat.

How fun.

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