
Detective Pillsbury Shocks the City

There were so many explanations for Mrs. Salt’s death.
Detective Pillsbury walked around the scene, careful not to disturb any evidence or clues. Mrs. Salt was face down on the counter her glass body shattered, salt spilled everywhere.

The murder had taken place the night before, precisely 6:00. Dinnertime. This was the second murder in three days and the city, normally crime-free, was getting nervous. Mr.Salt had died also, and the crime had been left unexplained, because the body had been disposed of.

Pillsbury had to put a stop to this. He checked the body for prints, and found an especially big one. It wasn’t even a food print.

It was human.

The humans hadn’t made any trouble in years, and now to salts in one week? Something here didn’t add up.

That afternoon there was a press confrence held in the west cabinet. Cameras flashed and the room roared

“After the investigation,” Detective Pillsbury started, “We have confirmed that the killer is… human.”

The room fell silent.

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