
Running Away

Indigo clouds spread over the beautiful dawning sky. The brittle grass cracked and crunched below my horses feet. The sugary sweet breeze whipped my face. I raced across the highlands, my eyes staring straight ahead. My ears still echoed the screaming, my face still faintly stung from the blow I had recieved. I tightened my grip, remembering the horrible morning before. I had been traveling all night and all of yesterday. It seemed it was going to be another terribly hot day. I slowed my horse.
my mind spat the word cruely as I tied up my tangled black hair. I narrowed my eyes.
how could you run from all you know and love
it came again, it’s words slicing my heart. I felt my eyes fill.
return to them Rava
I shook my head wildly, the tears begining to spill.
“I can’t, not after all of this!” I cried. I neeled beside my cream colored horse and let the tears of desperation and confusion fall into the pale palms of my hands.

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