
Keen Sensation; Delayed

“yeah that’s them. Two therapists?! wow you must be crazy then right?”
“Haha no I’m not crazy. Okay maybe just a little off the wall but its all in good clean fun.”
“Or in bad dirty fun. Man, do you listen to your own life story?! Your life can’t get more messed up then this!”
“Well the therapists definetly didn’t help. The first one made me talk about everything that ever happened to me as a child. There was no point in thinking about things that I tried to block out for so many years. So I just stopped showing up. He called my aunt, but she’s an alcoholic whose husband holds a criminal record so really she has her own issues to worry about. The second though. Oh the second. He was a funny guy. Always cracking jokes. Always! And the funny thing is they were always funny! but he didn’t help at all! We never even talked about anything that had to do with my life. Which is obviously a problem.”
Simon slowly drifted away, as he sat in one of the chairs in the conference room.
“Man, Wake up! Wake up!”

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