
Fairy Saga Prt 1

“I wonder what it would be like to be a fairy, I saw one earlier.â€?

“Excuse me?â€?

“Haven’t you ever wondered? They’re so carefree and peppy.â€?

“Are you feeling okay..?â€?

“Never better now that I know they exist.â€?

â€?..Or you’re just losing itâ€? The girl said under her breathe..
“What was that?â€?

“Oh nothing, just talking to myself..â€? She smiled at the boy

“Chomey?â€? The boy looked at her as he spoke softly.

“Yes Leon?â€?

“You believe me don’t you?â€?

“Of course I do, why wouldn’t I? You’re my best friend, you have been out entire life..â€?

“Well, everybody else in the village thinks that I’m crazy for
all of my believing in fairies.. but I believe in what I do and what I saw and I know I have seen fairies..�

Chomey smiled softly at that, “That’s good that you believe in what you do and say Leon.. you know a lot of girls around here like that, like me..â€?

Leon blushed softly and looked down nervously trying to hide it, “But do you truly believe me? Even if no one else does?â€?

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