
The Fall of an Infamous Pirate

“Don’t hurt me, masters!” screamed Evangeline Malander, worldly infamous pirate. Her peridot eyes showed true sorrow as she begged for mercy from her leaders in the underground. She was on her knees. Her chestnut hair which was usually in a ponytail fell around her face, since her masters had gotten her up in the middle of the night for no reason that she could figure out.

“I don’t even know what I’ve done!” she was crying. Her desperate voice was shaking with sobs. This was odd and so very different from the voice she was known for. The strong, seductive voice could move mountains if she tried hard enough. But it was as if that side of Evangeline had never existed. One of her masters smirked grimly.

“You know exactly what you’ve done.” And it was true. If she wasn’t having a breakdown, she’d know why she was here. But she was having a breakdown, therefore she didn’t know why she was here. Still sobbing, she looked up.

“No, I don’t!” she screamed through sobs. “I don’t know! Tell me!”

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