
Bunny Says is Fine

I was sick in bed, and just kind of paying attention to e-mail as it came in on my pants mac. I’d had a fever for days and digestive problems I wouldn’t wish on Satan himself.

And then, panic started rolling in, through e-mail, through twitter, through blog posts, through facebook… all about the fate of one little domain… I would have gotten worried too, but I couldn’t keep my “tank full” or even get the gauge to go above E so I let it sit.

But, Bunny told me I had to say something because people were freaking out over a small thing – our domain name. I told Bunny he should say something, as I was too busy admiring the tile. So, excuse me, here’s what Bunny has to say, “Don’t worry, gentle ficleteer, for is renewed for another year. It was set to auto-renew anyway, and would have, on the appointed day. There are threats that ficlets faces (they abound in many places). When the Bunny knows more, or Kevin is better, one of us will let you know, maybe in a letter.”

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