
New Voice

Father Paul chuckled again, ruffling the doctor’s hair.
“You always said you wanted to be a deacon.”
The doctor shot a harsh glance at the pastor, and swiftly changed the subject.
“We came for your help, Father.”
“Ah, for the unconcious boy?”
“Yes, but there’s more to our visit.”
“Is there now?” the pastor spoke in a semi-serious tone.
Nathaniel was watching them talk, but hadn’t really heard what they’d been saying, for his thoughts were still wrapped around the dream he’d had and what he’d seen in the bowl of holy water. He perked up at the doctor’s next words, however.
“He’s come for a confession.”
Nathaniel caught the doctor’s eyes.
“It’ll make you feel better, trust me.”
Nathaniel looked down and felt his insides twist. Something inside him wanted desperately to run and never look back at the church or the doctor, but he was comforted by a voice inside of him.

It’s ok, Nathaniel… I’m right here…

He smiled at the sweet sound of Mother Mary’s voice.

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