
Have you Ever? Series: Out Doors

Have you ever looked at the sun through the lens of a camera?

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be amungst the clouds?

Have you ever wondered why when a plane passes by you hear the sound of it after it has already passed?

Have you ever wondered how long That star has been up in the sky for?

Have you ever smelled fresh wildflowers after a morning rainshower?

Have you ever walked bare foot out side, and felt the smooth grass tickle your toes?

Have you ever pricked a leaf from a plant and put it against your cheek?

Have you ever followed an ant, watching it carry out food?

Have you ever awoken to the sun in your eyes, and just enjoyed the light?

Have you ever been in a horrible mood and then heard the music of the blue bird and realized that you were fussing over something small?

Have you ever been so intune with nature that a car passing by just made you jump up and gasp for air?

Have you ever?

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