
Residing Dreams (Chapter 179)

You can probably figure it out from here, but when I see you again, hopefully soon, I will tell you all that I have held back. That is, if you are willing to listen and hear it, and haven’t given up on the confidence I have in you and you in me. Someday, when the world along with the people in it are more evolved, things will change. But for now, I am just focusing on what matters the most—making ammends, apologizing to, and confiding in my one and only daughter. You are the center of my world, despite how shallow and self centered I have been. I guess you’ve come to realize that adults, especially me, aren’t perfect and never will be. This is a truth that I will never underestimate again. If you are ready, you can talk to a theripist about the matter, and we can arrange some family counceling. I never want you to suffer because of my insecurities. I will not try to avoid it any longer. But for now, only the people who need to know will know.

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