
Residing Dreams (Chapter 184)

“My father is gay,”I said finally.”Gay as in homosexual.As in he’s attracted to people of the same gender.”At first,I couldn’t believe myself for saying these words aloud,at last.But now it was too late to take them back.”I’m sorry,” I said. “If you don’t want to hang out anymore, then I understand. But I swear I’m not—“ Casimir put a hand on my shoulder and dried my eyes with his handkerchief . “I don’t care if your father is. That would never stop me from wanting to be your friend. And you can tell me.I promise,I won’t repeat it to another soul as long as I live.” So I talked about my early suspicions, and how things weren’t the same in the house for a while. I got one of those feelings you get when you finally see that you can trust someone. That was how I felt with Casimir, though we had only known each other for a little more than a month.

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