
Inmate or Innate?

It was as if Kamaria’s thoughts could not keep up with all the questions that lie ahead, but before she knew it she was drifting off to one of the constellations she had already lost focus on moments earlier. The darkness remained until suddenly she was back in here room, back with Jenny, back to the earth shattering noise outside her window. Everything had happened so quickly.

Only this time it was different. Jenny had screamed something she couldn’t quite make out.Think Kamaria, THINK ! Maybe she was trying to protect me all along? She awoke with to a cold sweat, and by the looks of the candles she had been out for a while.

Now that they have what they need of me, will I just be able to pick up and leave? Do I want to leave? So if my blood is working, how much of it will they need???

The questions came racing faster and faster until Kamaria had reached a state of hyperventilation. Her chest started burning, and suddenly Aedin burst through the door.

What if…what if I hadn’t come willingly?

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