
A Perfect Sweet Sixteen

My family and friends hug me and wish me a happy birthday. I smile and laugh with everyone, enjoying the sweet sixteen birthday my mom was throwing me. Everything was perfect… almost.

A part of me longed for him to be there as well. My birthday was already amazing, but for him to come… that would be the best gift of all.

“Honey, it’s time to open gifts.” Mom says, walking with me over to where my presents laid.

I open them all, smiling and laughing. I am about to get up to thank everyone when Mom stops me.

“You have one more gift… well two actually. Don’t move.” Mom says as she gets up and goes to our front door. From my spot on our fireplace I can’t see our door. My heart begins racing and speeds up even more when I hear two male voices.

My dad has his camera trained on my face, hoping to catch my reaction no doubt. My jaw drops and the camera clicks as the love of my life walks around the corner towards me and warms his arms around me, making my birthday absolutely perfect.

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