
Melissa & Jessica

“I found this in the backyard. I think it’s a vial of snake venom.”

Melissa stood under the shadow of a banana tree, something silver glittering in her left palm. Her green eyes glittered, too, the madness in them stark against the white. Jessica sighed and brushed her hair off her shoulders. Today was one of those days that tried her patience, that made her almost wish her elder sister had been born normal, like others’ siblings.

As soon as the thought crossed her mind, though, a pang of guilt pierced clean through her and she instantly regret ever thinking that. She carefully arranged a smile on her face and beckoned to her sister.

“Come here, sweetie, and let me see what you’ve got. Would you like some lemonade, dear? It’s pink, your favorite.”

Melissa nodded and walked slowly towards Jessica, still holding whatever it was she had found.She was always finding objects and claiming they were the most outlandish things. Just yesterday, she’d found a thimble beneath the sofa, which she mistook for a key.

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